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Channel 4 News

Labour and Tories Ditch Candidates Linked to Betting Scandal


The party has withdrawn its candidate for the safe seat of Birmingham Hodge Hill after it emerged that he had placed a £2,000 ($2,600) bet on his own victory.

The candidate, Khalid Mahmood, has denied any wrongdoing, but the party said it had taken the decision to withdraw him "in the best interests of the party and the people of Birmingham Hodge Hill."


The Conservatives have also withdrawn their candidate for the marginal seat of Bury North after it emerged that he had been involved in a betting syndicate that placed large sums of money on Conservative victories.

The candidate, James Daly, has also denied any wrongdoing, but the party said it had taken the decision to withdraw him "to avoid any potential conflict of interest."

The Betting Scandal

The betting scandal has rocked British politics in recent weeks, with a number of candidates from both major parties being accused of placing bets on their own victories.

The Electoral Commission is investigating the allegations, and the police have also launched an inquiry.

The scandal has raised concerns about the potential for corruption in British politics, and it is likely to lead to calls for tighter regulation of betting on elections.
